Friday, February 5, 2010

Tooth fairy

Korbin lost his first tooth last night before bed.  He was so excited to tell his friends about it.  We decided to stick to the tooth fairy myth even though he already knows Santa Claus is fake.  Maybe now he will want to see Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in his new masterpiece film.  We gave him a fiver for the first tooth.  He was pretty happy about it,  but he almost seemed like he'd rather have kept the tooth.  


Nette said...

Did you let him keep the tooth? He can make a necklace when they all are out.
$5 is tons! Lucky kid.
Remember when we would get 4 quarters?

D said...

Dude. $5.00 for a tooth! Wow. That's what a well-to-do WWF father would give!