Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sale on

I remember when I was in 5th grade, the 6th graders came to our class to put on a little skit for Colombus Day. Colombus wanted to sail on, sail on, sail on. But he needed a boat. The boat dealer happened to have a sale on, sale on, sale on. It was silly, but memorable, evidently.
Tomorrow is our one-day-only yard sale during which we hope to transfer the bulk of our unwanted possessions to new owners. I hope the weather is fair and the traffic is heavy. Whatever doesn't sell will be donated or discarded. Make room, make room!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Party time

Saturday, we went down to Nick and Nette's for a birthday meal. Sunday we went to a new party mecca for Mr Chad's birthday. They were coth fun in their own way. I finally mowed the old place. Had some corn growing in the back yard that was 4 feet high and thick as my thumb. Like a good neighbor...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Today I kept track of my caloric intake while I was at work. 1625! Without having an official lunch. The components are relatively healthy, but it is alarming to think that i'm bound to eat at least that much again once I get home. The 2000 calorie diet flies out the window. I'm lucky I make myself work out on my breaks or I'd be carrying around a big spare tire. Plus, I need to eat less sugar and watch my habits in the late evening when it's easier to have another bite of something than to go up to bed.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Test yer mettle

Today was my first day as video guy at church. It went ok. Had a hard time staying focused on the songs' lyrics as I also tried to look over the sound man's shoulder. We had a thrifty lunch with our dear friends after church, then went to Dawn's relatives' for a little bit. A nice time, but we're all bushed from our gathering last night. Finally got a fire pit dug in the yard, and we had a great time sitting around it while the kids got rowdy on the slide. Hope the neighbors don't mind too much.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

What large

We all got up and put the door early this morning to beat the mad farmer's market rush. A nice little family unit, downtown for a bite and some produce. We got some great sweets at Tami's Tarts, and some tomatoes at Dawn's regular booth. We got some expensive raspberries and Korbin rode on a train, of sorts... It was fun. I came home and mowed lawns since the weather is wonderfully cool. Dawn went and got a sewing machine from a friend. Lovely friends.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Camped at a fantastic site on private property owned by friend of a friend. There was a nice skelter for picnic tables, running potable water, a huge pond full of fish and a great fire pit. What more could you want? We had a good time. Sunday afternoon, after naps, we had Dawn's official birthday party at Tokens. We played arcade games and laser tag and putt putt golf. We ate pizza and had a good time. Nice to see so many people. Nice to come home and crash afterward.
This week is VBS at church, so I stay home with Asher while Korbin and Dawn go have fun for a couple hours. I have fun too, I guess. Different kind of fun.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I'd like to see my options so I can weigh them. Whadaya say?
Asher has gained a pound since last week. Back on track. When his body weight reaches the same growth precentile as his length and head circumference, we can stop taking him in weekly for checkups.
Shouldn't be long. It's great to see him happy all the time again.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fourth weekend

We had a nice time with family on the fourth. Korbin and I saw some fireworks, but they weren't as cool as I'd hoped for.
Today after church, Dawn's parents hosted a great gathering. We ate and ate. The kids played and played. It was a good afternoon.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Formula won

What a difference a day makes. Asher is sucking down the formula and loving life again. Dawn is feeding him some good rice meal mixed with yogurt and other goodies, then following that with a bottle of formula. Asher is happy as a clam after mealtime. Smiles more. Laughs again. Whines much less.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Turns out

Asher has lost two pounds. Is he burning through calories faster than we're giving them to him? Is he not getting enough from the milk now that Dawn's manufacturing energy for three? That's my theory, but I don't want to think anything is actually wrong with my baby. We'll just up his solid intake, pray for some teeth to pop through and get over this hump. He has another appointment next week.