Sunday, June 28, 2009

Shake spear

Good church today. Good Mexican food on the patio. Good breeze. Good nap. We'll be heading to Shakespeare in the park in a few moments. Dawn's aunt have her a grip of knitting needles for free! Yay freebies!
Asher just wants more solids. He's fun to feed. Hates peas and green beans, however. Loves sweet potatoes.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Brother hanger

Korbin is hauling a shirt on a hanger around with him today. It started out as his son, but now it's his brother. He's changing it's shirt because it's going to be hot today. Silly. Why do we spend any money on manufactured toys when he can have so much real fun with a plastic hanger? Toys are all over the place, and they're totally free. A stick in the yard has equal value to a set of legos that cost 50 bucks.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hot enough for me

Moved the kitties down to the basement last night. I don't think Korbin slept very well while he shared his room with them. They like to play and jump around. Plus it smelled like a litter box in there, and who really wants to sleep with that?
Asher seems skinny to me lately. Hope he's just elongating in a healthy manner, not having other troubles. He probably just needs more solids. And his teeth have been bugging him for months now. Still nothing popping through.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Miles to go

Spent a nice warm afternoon at the New Life Center reunion picnic. Korbin got some wicked blisters from his new crocs and is raising a stink about it still. We get an hour or so of down time before we go to a wedding! Should be nice if it's indoors.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


We have two new little kitties. Dawn brought them home yesterday and we named them this morning. The girl is Brillo and the boy is Magnet. Wonderful little furballs. Now maybe we can get rid of the dog. Fingers crossed!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Espresso yourself

Drinking espresso is like drinking liquor. Better as a mix-in than straight up.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Ma and pa in law are back from sunny Manila today. I'm looking forward to seeing some pictures. I'd like to have been off work so I could meet them at the airport with the rest of the family unit. They'll hear all the news before me. Ah so. It is sunny and wonderful outside and I sit near a window. I got much lawn mowed yesterday before the mower died. Probably overheated from running so hard. I jacked up the rpm's so it could cut through the forest, but it sure guzzles gas now. Probably oil too! I should check levels.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Jeanette gave me back The Four Agreements and I have begun reading it. So far I like it. I'm reading the first agreement right now. Makes me think about my speech. The bible has warnings about abusing your privilege to speak. It is a universal caution it seems.