Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Grind, Grind, Grind, Grind, Grind, Grind, Grind
I can bend in sixty-eight ways
I have lived for twelve thousand days
Twenty-eight teeth inside my head
Grind three types of things and I'm sad that they're dead
Grind, Grind, Grind, Grind, Grind, Grind, Grind


Monday, March 30, 2009

Gambling theme

Back at work. I get fed up.
Last week's lesson was about prayer. And waiting. My lesson was about waiting on God. There are things in the pipeline. I can't very well squeeze my head up through the spigot and pull them ahead of schedule. My most perfect role is to stand with my hands outstretched waiting for what's coming.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


We're all fighting illness this weekend. Had a nice time at cousin's birthday party. My super wife brought the fun games and we all had a good laugh as Amy trampled the competition in the fuzzy bunny contest. I'm pretty sure my coloring book entry was A plus material, but we left before they were officially judged. Pal Joey was in full effect, but father in law potential came by in his regalia to make people inadvertently nervous. I vote for reconciliation, but i'm on the sidelines for a reason. Asher was belle of the ball, as he seems to be everywhere. People like happy babies, and Asher is quite happy.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Natural living

We ran around this morning. Play practice at church, prego test at dollar general (negative), starbucks, library, and natural living expo! The expo was fun. We hung out with our super friends. Korbin loves being downtorn and had a good time navigating the skywalk. He loves maps. Dawn got info on lots of wonderful products and services catering to green folks and modern hipsters. We're cool.

Bar band

It was so loud, my teeth hurt. While we stood on the patio beside the throbbing walls, high pitch shards peppered the side of my face every time the door opened. I went for a thirty minute walk through the small frozen town to get away from the loud. How do people seek that out week after week? I'm not wired that way. I saw several people I knew, but we aren't friends. Glad to be home.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Tired monkey. Korbin must sleep at all times. Bad dancer on short rations. Monkey fight.
Dear wife is my favorite. She's a fresh breeze. She's icecream and sequins and origami.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I need a lifeline! I know what it feels like to be in over your head. Constant vigilance! Home requires it, work requires it, Christianity requires it. Feeling a little stretched. I have to have my rough draft done for work by next Thursday. Miles to go before then, and not enough fuel to get there.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Slipped on my tunic

Not looking forward to my big messianic debut in a couple weeks. Well, I guess after i'm through, I can finally get a haircut and clean up this ratty beard. So I've got that going for me. The ocean rolls... My wife is the coolest.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Platonic love, man

Had a good afternoon with our family friends. We love them so much. God has blessed us through them, and continues to bless. I hope their tent stays up in the gusts.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Game day

Got up early early this morning, on a beautiful Saturday, to pack into the car and drive to a gymnasium full of screaming kids. It turned out to be pretty fun. Korbin got to be a rowdy participant, and I got to me a frustrated parent. Good times.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


My dear wife and I went to the home depot last night for some much needed getaway time from the kids. Dawn has been studying a book about square foot gardening for the past month, and we're ready to do it. We stopped at the seed display first and picked up a grip of stuff. Those little feather light packets add up quick! We had 35 dollars worth of seeds before we knew it. Then we looked for dirt parts but didn't find anything we needed. Last stop was the lumber area. We got our wood, which was really pretty cheap, had someone cut it to size, and hauled out of there to hit up Dairy Queen for some dessert. A nice time. Tonight we'll try to assemble our box and get it ready for soil.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

S'ain't Pat's day!

It's my day! Go ahead. Make my day. Into a holiday.
Why is it a drinking holiday? When was it created? Did we celebrate during prohibition? Why aren't there more green beers? Would anyone choose a green beer over a clear beer. It's so nice out, I wore sandals. And all the stalls are being used! Camaraderie!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday best

Got my good clothes on today. I couldn't figure out how to tie my necktie, so I skipped that.
If you're in a band whose members change every time you play together, how good will you ever get? Aside from talented individuals, the ensemble will always be in the muddy middle. If I were a lovely garden. If I uprooted portions each week. If I put unseasonable plants in at the wrong time. The garden always looks a mess.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Such a perfect day.

It's beautiful outside, and Korbin is finally able to wear shorts. It's also a blessing for the simple reason that there are no clean pants.
We went to the zoo yesterday and had a real nice time with the cuz's. It was a little bit cool, but we spent plenty of time indoors looking at the jungle and aquarium and desert. We stopped for dinner on the way home, and that may have been the highlight of my day. We had the back room of the Happy Chef all to ourselves. The kids ate well and got rowdy while the adults finally got to sit still and talk. Nice time.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Cold came in so fast. The runoff didn't have time to pool properly before it froze. Milky ripples and runners caught in mid flow. I was walking through a puddle there yesterday. Now it is so cold the robins won't jump out of your way until you're within arm's reach. They sit in plump quiet groups, huddled on the sunny side of the bushes, trying to draw warmth from the ground. I feel you, robins!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Pencil neck geeks

I was debating a trip to the zoo in Omaha on Friday. I sat thinking while I was at work yesterday. I ended up with the impression that I should go. Since I've used up the majority of my vacation time already, I requested a non-paid day from my boss. It's a pretty significant bite out of a future paycheck. However, today I was checking the amount that will be deposited on Friday, and it is much higher than usual! Frugal use of funds pays off, but the timing of this discovery was encouraging to me. The non-paid day has already been taken care of! It should be a good trip.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Save this...!

Daylight savings time is the bane of the post modern man. Nothing is untouched by the accelerating flux of future turning present. We don't need any help getting there by yanking the whole timetable an hour ahead! Leave us the once unassailable right to call 24 hours a day. You have stolen a part of my life that I will never get back!
Until autumn anyway... I'll save my thank you till then

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Oh yes indeed it's fun time

Korbin and I went to Home Depot to build a little project this morning. They gave us a kit and an apron for free and turned us loose to build our project. We built a little wooden race track that came with a couple slot cars. Korbin did most of the work himself. I held the nails while he pounded them in. He did his own gluing too. I assembled it wrong, so it was a little goofy when we finished, but still fun. After that we went to Hy-Vee for a cooking class. Korbin made a chicken pot pie and a fruit cobbler. It was delicious!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


A host of robins chattered in the trees as I walked toward work, into the breeze.
Korbin is having big emotions for his age. Donor Justin has no idea. If I could flip a switch in Korbin's head to turn off any affection he has for his runaway dad, I probably would. The guy doesn't deserve to spend time with Korbin. Doesn't deserve to have any attachment still, after proving himself irresponsible. I was ok with my emotions, but when Korbin's emotions get all astir and he loses his footing, I get upset. Makes me want to cuss.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Korbin's biological is in town. Korbin spent yesterday afternoon and evening with him, and most of the day today. It's been almost a year since they've seen each other. Korbin seems to enjoy their time together but I can see that their relationship is more like a child and Santa Claus than a child and a father. What kid doesn't like Santa? He gets you presents! But not many kids want to be Santa when they grow up. Santa doesn't parent. He flits in once a year and tickles your fancy before flying far away again. I'm cool with it. I was hoping I would be, and I am reassured.