Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Well ill

Eye exam today. My eyes are super dilated and I can't focus on things that are close to me unless I take my glasses off.  I've been wearing the wrong prescription for two years or more.  Time to see clearly again.  Dawn has been waiting even longer than me.  New glasses are fun.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Asher had a bad night last night,  which means Dawn and I had a bad night too.  He woke up a lot,  probably has a fever,  and he threw up on himself.  Poor kid.  But,  we did have a wonderful time playing outside yesterday.  Sun was shining and the breeze wasn't too chilly until we went for a walk around the block.  We built a little fire from dried grass and dead sticks.  I smelled like smoke all night.  Glad spring is coming.  Outdoors is wonderful.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Fine times

It's been a good Saturday. Dawn and I went to visit a couple friends who just had their first child.  It's a boy! Very hairy little guy. Korbin and I watched a ninja movie while Dawn massaged her aunt.  Later we all went to the guitar store so I could get some strings and Dawn could visit her friend.  We stopped for some fried supper at the local Coney Island grease pit.  Plus it snowed about 4 inches last night,  letting me enjoy one last shovel run before spring has really sprung.  Good times.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I am a robot

Korbin and I went to the art center after church today for a robot building class.  It was more crafty than technological,  but that's probably for the better. They had a selection of screws and cans and busted toys available to fasten together into robots.  We were the last ones to finish.  It was fun to slap some stuff together with old screws and hot glue.  Made me realize how easy it is to be creative and entertaining with the kids.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mr. Mom

Hands full today.  Mom is getting some continuing ed while I watch all the boys.  It is work.